Climate Investors Course

Learn about early-stage Climate Tech investing

The Climate Tech sector received USD 70bn in venture funding in 2022.
Be an integral part of green growth!

September 2023 | Virtual course

Overview of Cimate Tech investment trends, opportunities and business models



Sessions on investing, and why Climate Tech investing is different

Deal selection, evaluation and technical due diligence



Peer-group excecises like evaluation of an actual deal and formation of a syndicate

What you can expect to learn

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How does this work?

Looking to create climate impact along with good
returns on your investments?

Why Join?

Global Climate Tech potential

Taught by Climate Tech ecosystem experts

Meet Your Instructors

Startups our experts have worked with

Be a part of Global and Indian investments across Climate Tech and transform the world to achieve net zero emissions!!


Climate Collective capital ecosystem bonus

Be a part of the Climate Seeders Club learning community to stay updated on the latest trends in Climate Tech investing, technological advancements and innovative startups

Be a part of Climate Tech Investment Network (CTIN) and Climate Seeders Club (CSC) and get access to regular pitch days

Sign-up for a host of online and offline events organised biannually as a part of Climate Tech Investment Summit (CTIS)

Get extended ecosystem support from
Climate Collective

Pay in installments
Payments can be made in easy installments.


Overview of Cimate Tech investment trends, opportunities and business models


Sessions on investing, and why Climate Tech investing is different


Deal selection, evaluation
and technical due diligence


Peer-group excecises like evaluation of an actual
deal and formation
of a syndicate